Monday, May 24, 2010


Bay to Breakers

Started as a way to lift the city's spirits after the disastrous 1906 San Francisco earthquake, it is the longest consecutively run footrace in the world.

During World War II participation sometimes slipped below 50 registrants, but the tradition carried on.

Large numbers of participants walk the route behind the runners. Some participants dress in elaborate costumes or, though not technically allowed, wear nothing at all (except footwear), thus lending a party atmosphere to the event.

The route is typically dotted with various local bands performing.

In February 2009, city officials and race sponsors announced major changes to the race regulations.

The regulations included an official ban on floats, alcohol, drunkenness and nudity.

The changes were made to assuage the concerns of San Francisco residents along the parade route, who say the race has gotten out of hand in recent years.

The news sparked outrage amongst many Bay Area residents who said the changes would destroy everything that has made the race a national treasure for most of the last century.

On February 27, 2009, city officials and race organizers announced that they were lifting many of the restrictions.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Finally, a new Metal video

A while ago we made a Black Metal video with a couple of friends. Now theres another one. For some reason the Horsebite crops the right side of the frame. Check it out here in full frame.

Heres the magic behind the birthday candle intro


Sunday, May 9, 2010

Live tonight! Sold out!

Our favorite band, and you favorite band are playing wednesday night at the dark Room theatre. If thats not enough, theyre also playing Bay to Breakers.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Im not proud of this, In fact, im glad it now belongs to the internet and i can delete it from my fucking computer