Saturday, April 29, 2006

Transient food

Caught the transient eating this today. He calls them "Egg Hotdogs."

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Pretty Ordinary

Just in case you havent been here already-

Heres How you know-

Did we lose any more interest?

Monday, April 24, 2006

Alright BBQ

The party was to include the ritual of burning the pig. We needed a fire.

The Transient still thinks burning the piano is a good idea. He was too stoned to hammer for more than about two blows though.

Asatar contributedd to the fire with tools of steele sliding methodically with the nature of the grain.

Then, this indian showed up and was talking about how no "real trees" exist in this city.

But he too decided to smash the shit out of the piano to satisfy his urge of wanting to cut down a real tree.

The transient is tired of seeing green lines drawn over his eyes, so he tried to hide them for this photo.

The same instinct about burying their waste that comes with all kittens is the same thing that makes the pig very concerned about a fire in the backyard.

Some babes

Laughing by the trash; a hip hop metaphor perfect for describing a bad joke.




(insert sarcastic comment in a skooby doo voice)

LDS God bless the face of a killer.

The transient was so enthrawled by the taste of real food that he hardly realized the group of hipsters that wanted to be his friend after seeing the can of Pabst, then shunning him after they realised that he wasn't eating pork flavored tofu.

CCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHfood. Ed and his boner.

The natural male instinct to poke the fire for no fucking reason.

Then, these two capes showed up. Capes are the new ponytail.

Fuck Eagles, and Skull fuck heroes.

Bite them before they bite you or your child.

Hessians at heart find a way to take things to the extreme.

Get on the roof. Tired of writing-end transmission.

Ode to Loaf

New stuff for the hallway.

The loaf got blown up and put in the middle of this one.


Hanging Over

In team news-the transient is learning Photoshop and was thrilled by the upcoming BBQ so much that he tried to make an event flyer.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Oh yah

theres gonna be a party here sunday(tomorrow) You should come.


After a small fire to the back fence someone decided to fireproof the surrounding area.....

The event got a little wild, As you can tell Andy won't be doing his favorite pastime anymore:(

After all that excitement we had a new friend come visit. He quickley jumped to #2 eventhou its for a short time.

Now Playing-Misfits, come back

A bunch of lame kids

I looked outside today after I heard a horrible series of tones that sounded like a screaming banshee. It seems that the transient was all by himself playing with our piano.

He actually came up with a good idea; its going into the fireplace in very small pieces to keep the house warm.

Teach us a lesson

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Springtime Sunshine

Good sunshine brings new hope as it smothers the duldrums of winter with it's healthy blue sky. Heres a couple pics of springtime form our front door.

Now Playing-GG Allin