Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Another visitor

Ron Asheton of Stooges fame showed up at the door earlier today, so we gladly let him in.

He said that it took him all the way from 1969 to get here.

He was asking about scoring some acid but we told him we couldn't help because we only know how to find oxycontin.

"Thats cool," he said.

The kids of today are way into chart-topping music and don't even know where Detroit is. We just laughed at him.

His demeanor was turning restless as his feet began to scuffle.

Apparently, he also passed through 1981 to get to our house.

Once he decided we're all a bunch of drunks, he asked us where to get some good psychedelics and headed towards the door.
We told him to take this little dog and go to Market&Castro and wait for a dealer to approach him. The dog would identify him as a person looking for some good blow.

Now Playing-"Grey Goose" by Leadbelly


Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Horsebite Cafe Original Clothing Line

The Horsebite Cafe presents it's first ever clothing line.

Prices and shipping details will be added soon.

This site will be updated much less than the Horsebite, but will be strictly dedicated towards "Fuck Connections-San Francisco" Clothing.

Edge of the Switchblade BBQ

The most recent episode of our emerging traditional BBQ parties was as fun as could be. Sangria is becoming popular again and is quickly approaching the popularity of cuttoff jean shorts.

Action packed red-cup familiarity

Oh yah, the two pigs were also here.

See! Cutoff denim stuff is the new black t-shirt.

Room lurkers

Our shitty piano was further burned in the campfire pit.

Passing time on the stoop

Digital photography puts cameras in more and more hands as it eases the burdens of expensive film. Photography is now a novelty at parties and in useless Weblogs.

The last time I saw this guy this evening, he was knocking on a door with his head.

This dog actually arrived in a suitcase.

Nothing but trouble, nothing but trouble.


Impressive depth of focus

See ya dudes!

Jenna, Chad, and Jazz.

Yup, another good ole' piano fire.

BOB the BOUNCER has a posse;
6'10,'' ETC LB

Now playing-Johnny Thunders, "All by Myself"

Monday, May 29, 2006

Edge of the Switchblade BBQ

Thats the name of todays BBQ. Today!


Congrats to Kaelan for the completion of a book composed of short stories and poetry.

We traveled north to UC Davis to attend the release party via Amtrak.

Kaelan? Do you have anything to say? Perhaps you could narrate this post.

Friday, May 26, 2006

In team news-

The goddamn transient works at levis downtown and he claims that all employees have to wear cutoff jeans for the new theme. Thats whats in right now i guess. Who knew?
Anyways, he went the short route rather than the mid-shin bicycle messanger style that most of the others chose.

Now playing-Rocknroll circus

BBQ Update

In BBQ News-The amazing instrumental, acoustic, latin band King City will be playing in the kitchen. Monday afternoon.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Hey we're having another BBQ on Monday.

The last one was really fun and has pictures somewhere below on the scroll bar. You should come to this one.


We decided to do some crafts today and after a trip down Mission St. the idea became clear; we would make t-shirts.

5 shirts for $10 influenced the nature of the design.

Flash the screen.

Rinse it out.

Wear it.

Monday, May 22, 2006

my back's to the wall these days. no house news yet.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Johanna Mini-Documentary

Heres another short thing I made about our friend(s) band called Johanna. I hung out with them the other day before a show and heres what I saw. It's about ten minutes long.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Heres a little event coverage video I made last summer. My camera broke during this event, so the footage was collected from random sources and still missing a few of the crashes and one of the bands.

The whole thing is about ten minutes.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

A day at the park

Today was pretty scary. I went for my usual walk up to Bernal Hill with Mamba. We carried out our usual route when suddenly these two dogs approached us at high speed and one of them immediatly latched onto her face. I was really scared so I ran back and snapped these two pictures with my cell phone.

Luckily, she was able to launch one of them all the way into the creek. The other rabid dog took warning from her powerful defense and skampered off.

When it was all over, the two dogs were long gone and I just picked up her leash and examined her wounds. A little blood and some heavy breathing was the damage, so we hapily continued on our walk.