Thursday, March 29, 2007

Shit monster

Ronny and Andy went to New York for a few days to visit fimily and friends. Andy painted some shit-eating monster and his friend drew some other shit.

In other News

The bay is full of mud

Some creep lives in this car

And if you honk your horn at girls on the street, they look at you.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Back up and hooving

Dig this. New camera. The Horsebite Cafe is back up and hooving the f outta it.

leaner and meaner!

Drink Review

We have a good idea-drinkreview

Hopkins dexterity test before consumption of unknown concoction.

Test results coincide with average results of young men.

Drink an Olde800 just below the red line.

Insert Sparks Plus.


The result-An inflated sense of self asteem.

Your judgement and perception will be affected, dropping your driving skills to about the same as the average tourist with a rental car.

Overall-This mix is a good base to lead into a night at the bar/s, or a motivational kick for that bike ride across town.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Horsebite Cafe Literacy Rate - 5/8

In neighborhood news-Our pals over at 726 got locked out of their house and Miles let them use his car to break in.

Now playing-"Getting Bongy" bt Electric Wizard.


Annalee was hired to design the menu for Cobb's Comedy Club and submitted the first draft to the club owners the other day.

The boss man turned down our suggestions by crossing them out. In case you cant read it-The Horsebite is house whiskey, black coffee, and pepper.

Nice work Annalee.


Iggy and the Stooges are pushing westward. We'll see them soon.

Oakland art

We crossed over to Oakland the other day to score some crystal meth.

After hooking up with "Roofus" he jabbered something about his friends art gallery tonight, so we checked it out.

A picture of a picture! Now thats worth $10,000 in art school tuition.

Watch out ladies

Theres a new moustache in town

Friday, March 16, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007


In team news-

Dear Annalee,
we please need you back. Come back from your Texas vacation and help us.

Things are getting bad without you here. Nobody knows how to get to work on time or make their own food.

It seems like Lord of the Flies here right now.

We have a 40z instead on a conch shell, but everyone has one and wont stop yelling.
