Tuesday, December 30, 2008

ded technology

if anyone knows the guy on the right, send him your phone number cause his ringer shit the bed. 916-792-1880. text messages preferred.

Mikki Weebee

Monday, December 29, 2008


I found this human on facebook. His name is Jack Ruddy. According to Jack thats grounds for a fight to the death.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Post number 762


Cruddy Ruddy

Give Up

Booger Eating Sluuuuuuuts!

Crud Bucket came over the other night and smiled for a quick picture

Just waiting for the ATM

ruin your life every day


Friday, December 26, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

R.I.P. Sparks

Read about it here.

The good news is, Joose remains on the shelves.

(see below)

In other news, this tail was spotted last night at a taco place. This is uncharted tail territory and has yet to be classified. A safe assumption is that this breed has extremely territorial behavior and should probably be avoided. Comply socially, and leave quietly. If you encounter a specimen like this, avoid direct eye contact and any social interaction if possible. Behavioral research concerning this tail only has a sample size of one specimen at this point, so accurate description of its behavior is pending future research. So far all we can tell is that it appears to be a modified version the basic "tight wip," and the dreaded. "snake pit wip." This breed is likely to be extremely volatile.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

and when she's fell, I'll get me another one mean as hell

Butt Problems played in Texas the other day.

this ones in san francisco at their first show ever.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

God damn it gargamel, I'm gonna make you suck my dick in front of all these people.


some kind of a circus stopped in the other night

this guy let people staple money to his balls. Really.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Secret DIY spot

This is Horsebite friends Chuck and Shove.

Chuck is one of the guys from our infamous metal video.

A little while ago he made a bunch of puppets and some kind of Death Metal forest out of some art supplies. The result is his first stop motion video project, which I must say is amazing work. Nice one Chuck.

Butt Problems