Monday, November 14, 2005

Kicken out a few jams

This always happens when hessians mix beer with junkyard cars but this time its guitars and 3 chord bars. Enough preaching, the jams must be. . .

1 comment:

  1. Do you actually play guitar or just trying to impress me. Well it worked. I am coming home this friday until the sat after thanksgiving day. Hope to see you. Give me a call...I did not get your number when you called because my phone was off. THis message sounds like it is from a lady but no it is just me Garret. Tell Rob his girlfriend looks hot, but don't tell him if it gives him a big head. Only tell him if it pisses him off. Nate, Land of K and I are really thinking of starting an ad agency type deal under that XXII company they started, and you would be a perfect fit. Hope the family is doing well. See you later.
