Smiles all the way around.

The other night looked alot like this. After the usual saturday night rounds, the walk home resulted in some major shitting where we eat actions. Thats why we blocked off the road with construction signs, so the cops couldnt get down the street.

Then we found a really crappy toy thing and rode it down Banks st until two of us had meaty paw. I cant explain these things.

We also thought it would be funny to do this to Nate's police car. "Our only hope i thought, was that we had gone to such excess that nobody in the position to bring the hammer down on us could possibly believe that it was true."-HST

Goodbye for now
Now playing "Left Hand Right Hand-by the Murder City Devils"
Wow!!! You guys have really moved up in the world. I feel lucky that I once knew this crew. Maybe one day we will be reunited?