Miles Kittredge
733 banks St
San Francisco CA, 94110

In the mean time, all of our house videos plus a couple extras are located at
they are fun
now playing "Panther Piss," by Sonic Love Affair.

Quoting Curtis
jesus its late i been drinkin and i need to get this
out to my "peeps". oh christ help me. this weekend
will be real fucking hot, no lying to ya. im hearing
110 on sat. for those of you who have never
experienced a JUMPIN JOHNNYS CRASHORAMA you have not
lived. real old school ( i hate that term but there it
fits like a glove) car stunts like the slamming into a
van at 60mhp, car flippin wall o fire smashin shit up.
a real cross section of "attendees" as well. rockers,
heshers, disco dancers, dorks, nerds, jocks, angels,
devils, kooks, greasy wierdo fags, art queers, spun
out retards and pretty much anyone who wants to fry in
the sun, drink beers and watch automotive mayhem and
smear shitty sunblock on thier dirtied bodies.
seriously, do not miss this shit. some of you are way
out of town but tell a friend who might be in the
area. not to be missed. music during the day by Sonic
Love Affair, the shruggs, the winelords from tucson
az, ape city r&b from seattle. all part of the wasted
tweekend which will have bands at old ironsides
featuring th losin streaks, the boars, neil hamburger,
harold ray live in concert, knights of the new
crusade, the clamour and a few others read the flyer
and show up ready to sweat. be there crashorama is at
800 all american blvd roseville ca - so map quest that

Here are some links that I believe will be interested
ReplyDeleteHere are some links that I believe will be interested
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work. thnx!